Composition 1- Speech
Good morning ladies,
I’m a first-generation college student in my family. As an undergraduate student, the journey so far to gain a degree has been unbelievable. This degree won’t only help myself but my family who is supporting means well. From this degree, I would be able to go out there, look for a job in which I feel comfortable and earn enough to be stabilized. However, I’ve noticed certain things as I began to become independent. Throughout generations women have been oppressed to what we can or cannot do. Women were expected to act a certain way amongst society and to this day it partially remains like that. There are women out there in fear of change. Women in all types of jobs have the misfortune to earn less than men. Some women are okay with that as there aren’t many options open to them. At times women are forced to work in any job no matter the pay as they can’t find another job quickly enough to support their family. This is not okay. Women shouldn’t have to say yes to a job in which they don’t like or get paid less than they can earn. Preparation and knowledge in the job wanted to attain is something that should be kept in mind. If you don’t have what’s required, then then the pay is acceptable but if a woman has the same experience as a man than both should be paid the same. A woman is capable of achieving great things equal to men or even better. We as women are born to excel and not be brought down easily. Yet this gender wage gap is one factor that contributes to us as women not being able to succeed. As women, we can get together and come up with ideas to solve this problem. We are capable of making a change not only for this generation but for the generations to come. Therefore, let’s unite for a cause in which the lives of your daughter’s, mother’s, aunt’s, cousin’s, etc., will be better and for the best.
The rhetorical situation for the first genre, the speech, will consist of the situation in which many believe the gender wage gap has been resolved however it hasn’t. To be able to communicate those ideas it would be necessary to use a direct and serious language for the first genre. The speech at first would contain a persuasive tone to be able to influence people who do not see the gender wage gap as existing. This influencing of the tone allows for a potential change of perspective of certain audience. The purpose of doing this is to target one part of the audience. The topic researched has multiple audiences spread out and certain language is necessary for each. In the speech it would be included a small background of the treatment of women through years leading up to the situation that they have been placed by society. In a way, the speech would be the similar to the essay but compacted into a shorter version. The speech would have a stance of supporting women. Lastly the speech will be created in medium of being written down in a paper as a hard cover but uploaded online.
Composition 2 – Drawing

For the second genre the rhetorical situation would be as well women being oppressed to earning low wages than greater wages than they are expected too. The drawing would directly affect an audience of women who have or are struggling with low wages. The tone of the image drawn would be hopeful to show that women would not be stuck with low wages. For the language it’s difficult to set for a picture but maybe I can try to work with a serious language yet informative in a creative way. The purpose of this drawing is to support women to not give up. What I want my audience to take away from the drawing is that although women have been placed in this position, there’s still hoped to have a change in which they are placed as equal to men. Therefore, the stance becomes again supporting women. Lastly, again for this genre the medium is a hardcopy in which I will draw out the picture and then scan it to be able to upload it to the website.